Any other DJ5 Postal Mail Jeep owners?


New member
Hello from Los Angeles. I just became a member, and was looking for other DJ5 owners. I have a OD 72DJ5 (olive drab 1972 postal jeep) I removed the doors, and cut the top off, looks like a military mail jeep. I love this thing. I have been putting lots of time trying to complete all the changes, and I'm almost done. A few more weekends, and I'll be ready to ride. I'll post a few pictures this weenend. Cheers!


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I had a '79 DJ-5G I recently sold (wife HATED it because of the wrong side steering) Guy is swapping a Jetta turbo diesel in. My son has a '76ish DJ-5 he was building, but he had to go home to Canada and they wouldn't let him take it across the border. He has it up for $600 (232/998 auto and NP208 he swapped in.) It's basically a 2wd CJ with steering on the normal side. He picked up a pair of XJ axles to finish the 4x4 swap.
That's what I like about the DJ5, it is a RHD, wrong side steering, or right side steering. This is the third one I've chopped the top off, and is going to be the best one I've owned. I'm almost done customizing, and should be ready to drive soon. I will post pictures when I'm done....