Anybody know sandblasting?

I'm trying to transition into commercial painting specializing in the horse farms around central KY and my first job involves taking down 11 heavy metal powder coated horse stall doors that have gotten somewhat rusted, sandblasting them then painting. I've done a lot of stuff but sandblasting isn't one of them. So I'm wondering just how does someone like me go about doing something like this. Do equipment rental places carry stuff like this? Other than handling the doors which I've got help for, is this blasting job something your average motivated joe can tackle?

Also, was wondering what'd be the best environment to get it done. The doors are installed in an all wood stable, and although a horse stall sounds like the ideal place to lean these gates up and blast away, I'd be afraid the wood wall behind it would disintegrate. There's another stable nearby that's made of cinder block which I imagine would make for a better staging area. These stalls are about 13 ft square which seems ideal for keeping the all the sand contained. I'm sure the wall would need repainting after everything was finished, but would a cinder block wall generally stand up to being hit with lots of sand?

A couple of years ago I bought a small handheld sandblaster from harbor freight. It was the type that had a small reservoir on top that you'd add sand to, then plug it into your compressor - probably not suitable for what you're doing, but fine for the automotive stuff I was doing. It was really easy and quick to take off paint, and I was able to control the direction pretty well. I will say that it made a mess, with sand going everywhere.

I'd expect your cinder block wall to be fine, however you could stand a sheet of plywood behind the door if you were worried.