i like having knobs too. i used to have an eclipse stereo in my bmw and it had a weird knob that no matter how fast you turned it, the volume only went up or down at a certain speed. it was a huge bummer because the stereo was 800 bucks new and used a memory card, like my camera used. it was a really cool radio though. you hooked it up and hit the set up auto button, and hooked its little microphone up and it would adjust your speakers so the sound hit the driver's ears at the same time. it had a screen that had all these funky settings so it looked like the matrix computer screens or happy faces or all this weird stuff.
i had that thing almost 8 years when i finally left it in the vehicle when we sold the vehicle. it was starting to have trouble reading cds (never bothered me, i'm a radio guy) and my wife loves cds