First to 5000?


New member
Lets set the pool up, who will hit 5000 posts first??? Tug, Bounty and Snitty are pretty darn close... And who is pitching in to buy the winner a new Jeep? For all those posts full of wisdom (and sarcasm) these three guys deserve a good pat on the...... back...... And on another side note, pretty neat to see that ole J Higgins is still the 6TH HIGHEST poster on the site, sure would be great to have him around for all of these religion/political/ and BS posts... Sorry for the random post, just felt like a random post time... :?
you done that a few times Sully ;)

I think since I have started comming here you have to have at least made it (Sully Posts) to the 4th power.

Hopefully, what follows won't divert the focus of this thread for long, but because of this thread I tried the sort-by-posts feature of the "Memberlist."

While looking at the sorted list, I started clicking on the buttons that bring up a Jeepz-ster"s personal "website.

I have to say that some Jeepz-sters have very interesting personal websites.



Iam up for a ( Most Trips Offroading in one month Contest ) :)
Hey, I'm in on that one white!! Does it have to be from now on, or can it be from past months.

Last year (senior year in high school), me and a couple other guys would go every single day during our lunch break. Ha, we'd always show up for the last two classes of the day completely covered in mud and make the teachers sooooo mad!! And that was on top of going wheeling almost everysingle weekend.