Greetings from new member in the UK with temp sensor question


New member
Hi all - forgive the brevity of my first post but I really need to get home and see my family.
I am a recent XJ convert having inadvertently saved a 1996 Limited 4.0 from rotting on the street - a long story; perhaps for another time :lol: Being a UK vehicle it is right hand drive - like your US mail model.

My question concerns the coolant temp sender located at rear of the engine block - the one that feeds the temp gauge (not idiot lights) . If I am able I will post photos to assist identifying.

The male (?) connector has stated to breakdown (1st & 3rd pic shows the sensor removed from it's grey housing) due to age/heat but I have managed to jury rig a repair that sees to work .... for now anyway (see 4th pic). At some point I will need to replace both the temp sender & most importantly, this connector, but have failed to find a supplier.

Can any one assist as I'd like to buy both temp sender, connector plus the coolant temp sensor (the one in thermostat housing) together?
Ideally I go for Mopar, Crown or Standard parts.

Thank I advance for any advice/assistance offered.



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I cannot help on the connectors but wow, those really are breaking down. you might have to try just searching for automotive wiring plug, or something like that in google