I think we all take for granted JEEPZ.com


New member
Let me say that it is soooo nice to come back to a message board that is nurturing, informative, and welcoming of people into the wonderful hobby which we have all chosen.

I just signed up on an ALL xj forum. You know, just for additional info. You would've thought I offended everyone on the board with my inexperience. I then proceeded to get flamed all over the place. Fighting and cursing ensued. I won the cut-down Kumite, but that's besides the point.

Now, I know that I'm not the most tech-savy guy around. But that is WHY I joined this site and the all xj forum. I just wanted to say that I APPRECIATE all of your advice! This is definetly home, and you are all my brothers and sisters!

Sappy I know, but I felt warranted.]

--Ian (aka Mingez)


I know how you feel man. I don't go there much anymore and won't name the forum, but I am a member of another too. I dislike it also, for the bashing and non jeep crap that goes on there every day. It is nothing like jeeps, I hardly ever glean anything usefull off it or get any of the feelings I get from Jeepz every time I come on.

I don't think you will ever find a better forum on the net. Great family we have here! Bravo on the post.

Yes, there are alot of trashy message boards out there. I never have figured out why people would go online to a message board to flame/cuss each other out :? . Makes no sense to me!

Let me say that it is soooo nice to come back to a message board that is nurturing, informative, and welcoming of people into the wonderful hobby which we have all chosen.

I agree! I still believe Jeepz.com is the best Jeep related message board currently online :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
I, too, am a member of another forum and must say that Jeepz.com is by far the most friendly, welcoming, knowledgable, and classy.

I can't even express how gratefuly I am to have found this place.

I've had the exact same experience on another jeep website. People bash you for asking questions that they seem to think is common knowledge. Seems like for every post, there's some idiot bad mouthing the person who posted it. I wouldn't have joined a jeep website if I knew everything.
well yall should no that as someone who cannot yet drive (legally at least) i know alot more than the people in my school who can drive, and most of it is b/c of this site..... hahaha guys dig chics who know their stuff!
I too feel we take the good thing we have here for granted at times. Never forget to pay omage to the man Terry Mason who lkeeps the gears oiled and turning. Never for get to thank the folks who help you on the way to understanding and enlightenment of jeeping matters here the other members. Never forget to pat yourself on the back along the way as well for you to can help the ones you can help. Jeepz.com is a great on line place. It is different and we all need to keep that in mind as our toes get stepped on from time to time. When a problem child showes up then lets work together to deal with the child and show him the road in a nice way not to feed his or her anger and discontent. Rely on your moderators if you feel the need. They can and will work togather to help you with a confict. This is a good place. I have signed on to a few other boards but never go back more than a time or two. Jeepz is my home away from home. Nice people are hard to find and mean people just suck! hehehe Tug

Craig said:
I wouldn't have joined a jeep website if I knew everything.

Exactly. And the problem with flaming NOOBS is that when you do, it teaches them nothing, and they continue to ask NOOB questions or give up. How is that productive? It's not.

I will always represent JEEPZ.com!! Y'all are stuck with me for life. Unfortunately for you. :wink:

Now if I could just convince you folks to have a NM/west Texas outing. HAHAHAHA!

BTW-- since none of you EVER go to the XJ section (which has very litte attendance as of late) and probably didn't see my last post... I got GEARS!!! 4.88 YEa and Hooray!!!!

Now I can push them 33's for real.
Need a lift!!!

Hello fellow Jeepers!
I've never ventured to another Jeep message board, and now thanks to all of your feedback and bad experiences I won't even waste my time doing something so foolish. Stick with "JEEPZ" !!!!!!!
Thanks ---Neal
I have not even entered another Jeep site. I've never even been in a chat room of any kind. Spending so much time on this website is really out of character for me, but I stumbled across it a while ago when searching Google trying to find answers to Jeep questions. When I had more questions, I didn't even search Google, I came here, joined, and now I'm hooked! Great stuff here, great folks here!

mingez said:
Now if I could just convince you folks to have a NM/west Texas outing. HAHAHAHA!
I'll tell you what...you drive up here to Vancouver, Canada and I'll drive down there to west Texas. I live right next to the Canadian/US border and I have a friend who's from Texas. She moved up here to get away from her exhusband who beat her and her kids....she's much happier now, just a little colder.
Craig said:
She moved up here to get away from her exhusband who beat her and her kids....she's much happier now, just a little colder.

So, what in the blue hell is the reason for men in Texas being abusive to women and causing them to move away? (before everyone gets offended: I know not all men in TX are abusive)

I have 2 friends who divorced, left, and moved away from there husbands in Texas.

Okay Craig. BC it is! I wish!! Must be hella beautiful up there. And the fly fishing: OH MY GOD! I'm jealous.
I'm not saying anything bad about Texans...that's just what happened to her with her ex. As for fly fishing, my buddy flies a float plane in the interior of BC for a fishing camp. He says it's supposed to be one of the best places in the world for fly fishing. They get mostly Germans who pay thousands and thousands just to go there. He says for a case of beer, he'll fly me just about anywhere I want up there and if there's room in the camp, I can stay for free.

I'm not saying anything bad about Texans
I know you weren't. Neither was I, just a weird coinsidence with the Texans I know.

As for fly fishing, my buddy flies a float plane in the interior of BC for a fishing camp
Dude, you just might be the luckiest guy around, with your location and all.
I like it here too (although I'm alittle biased...)

At first I felt alittle odd, setting up a jeep website with 4000 members, then asking in the main forum "Uhh, my jeep won't start, anyone got any ideas - I'm clueless", but I always get great answers.

Honestly, the mods do the majority of the work around here, and are always great to work with - which reminds me, I need to finish up that mod selection don't I...
