Jeep Nicknames


New member
My boys and I have always had nicknames for our cars and trucks. I just wanted yall to share some of your nicknames!

We changed mine from Rollin Turd to The Trooper!

Mine is "Griswald"


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mine is Dad's Jeep, ha ha ha

back when my wife and i both had wranglers, mine was the black jeep and her's was the gold jeep.

My ex GF called her jeep cole train. It was a black jeep and she called it that because of the black guy from Gears of War.

Our local highschool students here in Kerrville has named my jeep " The assasin". I asked my daughter why, she said that because i look like a serial killer and i always have at least one scoped rifle racked on the rifle holder and the jeep looks like a tank ready to plow anything on it's way.
My '87 Comanche MJ Pickup is just "The Old Indian"...

The '95 YJ doesn't have a nickname yet, but I'm leaning toward "High Maintenance" after the most recent repairs. :shock:


Our local highschool students here in Kerrville has named my jeep " The assasin". I asked my daughter why, she said that because i look like a serial killer and i always have at least one scoped rifle racked on the rifle holder and the jeep looks like a tank ready to plow anything on it's way.

Not to mention that pair of handcuffs attached to the dash!:shades:
As far as 4x4s go
My disco was called "Fat Fairy" cos her arse was just too heavy to keep up with the Jeeps on the sand.

My 1st Wrangler, "Gecko" ( May she rust in peace) as she was went every where on the dunes.

My latest Wrangler is "Shaun The Jeep" From the British children TV show "Shaun the Sheep"

Our local highschool students here in Kerrville has named my jeep " The assasin".

UGH, if I didn't have morals I'd steal your jeep Steel. ... I wish I didn't have morals...

although... i think i'd rather take my changes of robbing a bank full of mob money, instead facing the owner of THE ASSASSIN.
UGH, if I didn't have morals I'd steal your jeep Steel. ... I wish I didn't have morals...

although... i think i'd rather take my changes of robbing a bank full of mob money, instead facing the owner of THE ASSASSIN.

Haha, i think you have a better chance with the mob money from the bank. I do carry 2 firearms on me most of the time and always with my faithful Colt .45.

Haven't had the chance to take mine off road yet... so no name yet...

Dustin's however has 3, I call it "The Other Women" or "Clifford" or "Big Red" - we can't decided depends on who you ask. Mostly its "the Other Women" because lately its been as expensive and time consuming as it would if he had a mistress.