no gauges but the speedo (and im bad with wires


New member
my fusr box under the hoo is missing the cover.(i didnt notice it until my gauges went out. but long story short, i washed my jeep and now the needles dont move at all is this going to be hard to fix for someone who can barely figure out a four prong relay?

Hey, you're bad with posting, too!!:lol: Or at least your computer is enough, thank you!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Maybe a good dose of "blow dryer" and some dialectric (sp?) grease or some waterproof spray and then find/replace your cover?????? I'm thinkin' that's what I'd be tryin'...........give 'er a day or two and see what happens.
yes. it has been a while now with no needles working. where would the ground on the firewall be? what are the chances that i can just replace a fuse and that will fix it?

Wade said:
yes. it has been a while now with no needles working. where would the ground on the firewall be? what are the chances that i can just replace a fuse and that will fix it?

First suggestion I can make is to check the fuses and make sure they're all good. Then check for ground problems. If you can't find a ground on your firewall then I'd just run a new one. Can never have too much of a good ground.
What year jeep you have?? If you have an older model, then you might have to replace the fuel gage. Probably fried the very delicate wires in it, which in turn will make the temp gauge not work. I've done that a couple of times, once because I hooked up the group to the wrong post and fried it!