So, anyone been to China? *speaking of careers*


New member
8) Hello there. Long time no post. I post here and there but haven't been on much. Been working alot and doing the college thing, you know.

Anyway, I was wondering if any of our jeep buddies have been to Asia, or specifically China?

I sure haven't. Didn't even think of it until recently. I have a long list of places to visit but never have I thought of Asia.

However, I am thinking of it now. My company has started branching out internationally. Our newest plant is in Suzhou, China (near Shanghai). This month is opening month.

They are asking for people to sign up for short term work assignments there and I am going to submit my name this week. My facility already has one employee there and she is coming home this month.

I work in management so I have a fair chance to get an assignment. They have already sent me overseas (UK) once for a week but not for an assignment like this.

Our international work assignments are for three months. The plant is brand new and in a brand new industrial park that is a city unto itself. It has everything you would ever need right there.

So, anyone visited or lived there before? What can I expect if I do get chosen? I have no idea. I know China is communist and I know what that means to people that live there (INTERNET use, etc.) but not all the facets. I have no idea what that means to American visitors.

Our plant is staffed with Chinese, and workers like myself from America. I guess some people speak both and translate. I have no clue!

My reasoning for signing up is that I'm almost a ten year employee and not looking to advance but to strengthen my usefulness to my company. I have finished my associates through their continuing education program and am working on my bachelors now through the same program. I won't leave them while I'm in school but my long term career I'd like to work in a computer science field.

Until then, I love receiving good pay and benefits and management seems to be the place to do that. I've fought hard to learn what I have already at my company and to get where I am. In manufacturing however, there are no guarantees for job security unless you are executive level. We have already had layoffs this year and there was some two years ago. I figure anything I can do that someone else can't or won't do will give me a leg up (outside of brown nosing and arse kissing of course-I refuse to do that).

I am 32, single (dating), renting, going to college, working two jobs, and have two cats. The cats can go to family, the lease is up in March and the part time job lets me do whatever I want. I haven't signed up for the spring semester in college yet and I was going to take a sociology web course. I have an appointment for a physical and blood work already for January so arranging vaccines wouldn't be too hard.

My family and b/f think I am insane and have lost my mind.

Am I crazy to sign up and what do you know about China? Thanks.


Personally, I think you'd be crazy NOT to sign up!!! If I were in your shoes, with circumstances as they are, I'd jump on it!! 3 months!! That's a perfect time can learn a BUNCH but it's short enough that you can escape relatively unharmed! Opportunities like that usually come along only once.......I've missed a few that I've lived to regret. Best of luck with whatever you decide, Heather!
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mud4feet said:
Personally, I think you'd be crazy NOT to sign up!!! If I were in your shoes, with circumstances as they are, I'd jump on it!! 3 months!! That's a perfect time can learn a BUNCH but it's short enough that you can escape relatively unharmed! Opportunities like that usually come along only once.......I've missed a few that I've lived to regret. Best of luck with whatever you decide, Heather!

China is beautiful, and so different. You think limeys are different than Yankees, wait till you get a load of the folks out there.

I've been to Hong Kong, so I don't have any clue as to what the communist side is like. But Hong Kong is AWESOME!!!

I have a friend who frequents there and he has internet while out there. Of course, he's in a hotel typically.

I say do it!
My uncle and cousin goes over to China somewhat frequently for work and a friend of mine had 2 extended stays there for work and I have never heard anything bad come from them. They always have great stories.

My brother has been to Sozhou (or however it's spelled) at least twice on business. He loves the Asian culture, so he got along quite well. He also taught himself to speak Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, and a couple others, too. Mandarin Chinese while he was in Taipei, Taiwan for 2 months. One thing that he stresses is to know the customs...very small things you may or may not do could greatly offend the Chinese. Make sure your company has someone to train you in Chinese sure don't want to look like a round-eyed fool.

I say go for it, Heather. Opportunities like this don't come along everyday, and you'll be sorry if you don't jump on it!!
You regret the things you don't do more than the things you do. In perspective, you're actually debating whether to hold yourself back or not.

As for your family and friends... "You're not crazy. You're sane in a crazy world" - The Tick

Enjoy China ;) ,


lol everyone. Thank you SO MUCH for your honest replies! I went ahead and about an hour ago offered my services. My manager says there is definitely a project early next summer they could use me on so he is going to forward my offer to the VP. I was talking to my manager some more about China because he just visited for the first time this month. He has been promoted to GM there in China and is moving next month. What a rush. He is thrilled although overwhelmed. I hope to visit myself next year and learn some things about that part of the world! I'll let you know for sure if the balls start rolling!

Who Know's what Could happen....You could meet some new People and they could have Jeeps then maybe if your lucky..... Just like PhattyX you could have your jeep run you over because it Loves the very least you would be able to say that you did it.........."that you went to china"

Ps watch out they do eat cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I don't think you will ever regret your decision to go. I'm sure they allow on the ole communist internet. At least I hope. You'll have to keep us posted while you're there.

And try to rent a Jeep to cruise around in.

Sparky-Watts said:
One thing that he stresses is to know the customs...very small things you may or may not do could greatly offend the Chinese. Make sure your company has someone to train you in Chinese etiquette....

I second that sentiment.. I haven't been to China, but I was about 10km away when in Russia. Take some time and learn some basic chinese phrases and especially customs.

Learning the language will be a nightmare, as it it the only language harder to learn than english. There are thousands of dialects, and you will find that many locals do not speak one of the 15 or so common dialects anyway. Most will speak some english, and appreciate it if you make an honest attempt to learn some of their language & customs.
a friend of mine spent 4 years in japan teaching english, I guess he liked it. he said the food is very different
Hi everyone,

I have been reading all I can about China and the city in particular.

It's a neat city that the industrial park is located in. They call it "little venice" and it is a canal town. It is also known for its exquisite gardens and it's silk embroidery. I love the sound of it already.

My manager visited a couple of weeks ago and he said it is the cleanest place he has ever visited in his whole life. He expected the opposite, a congested and dirty city. It is instead a small town type of city (compared to the Shanghai). He said "someone" even pays three ladies to clean the street in front of the facility and that is their job all day every day. They even pick up stray leaves that fall from trees. Another neat thing I noticed is that our facility street has an iron gate and a guard attendant. None of our other facilities have this but I suppose it's common in China.

One thing he mentioned is the lack of cars. Apparantly, you have to be able to speak and write Mandarin Chinese before you can drive. Cars are expensive as well, so you have to be wealthy. All the Americans over there employ a "driver". Our facility has one and he or his company transport our employees everywhere on business and personal time. My manager said that is going to take some getting used to. It does seem quite different but kind of neat too.

He is moving next month and his first week there is the Chinese New year, which they get the whole week off work for. He is hoping to travel by night train to see the Great Wall. He has always wanted to visit war related areas in Japan too and hopes living in China for the next two years will get him closer to being able to do that as well.

It's very exciting for him too. He is about two years older than I, not even 35 and he was promoted to plant manager and came to my facility three years ago. Now, he will be PM of our China facility for at least two years. Him, his wife, and thier pets move next month to thier new apartment there. They have seen the area one time, two weeks ago.

I'm really excited that I decide to offer my services. I have been thinking it over for some time. I just hope they take me up on my offer!


Heather, I hope you get to go. It will make you a more rounded person to visit and learn different cultures. My brother has been to so many different countries for his job I can't even begin to list them, but it has had a profound change on him. Even though he's tired of travelling and being away from his wife and son, he still manages to make the best of whatever situation his company puts him in. Unfortunately, he often finds out on Friday evening that he's leaving Saturday night or Sunday morning, so doesn't have much time to get ready.

I wish you the best, and hope your dreams come true.