VIN tag removed


New member
Believe it or not.... a dealer "took" our VIN tag from the Commander in for repairs. If they didn't take it..they did admit to making a fake one and putting it in it's place! What to do? I'll attach the complaint I filed!


Consumer Complaint Form

Complaint Date: 11/30/2010
Your Information
Are you over the Age of 60?False
Your Full Name:Gary Ballard
Mailing Address:XXXXXXXXXX
City,Sate/Zip:Denham Springs, LA 70706-0678
Telephone:(xxx) xxx-xxxx or (___) ___-____
Incident Address:2590 Range Park Drive City,Sate/Zip:Denham Springs, LA 70726
Company Information
Person Complained Against:Christopher Patterson
Company Name:All Star Automotive Group Address:
2590 Range Park Drive City,Sate/Zip:Denham Springs, LA 70726
Complaint Information
Date of Transaction:8/10/2010
Date Contacted Company:11/18/2010
Description:My Jeep was in the repair shop VIN 1J8HG48K06C238703 and the VIN tag was removed and replaced with a fake tag! The original VIN plate is gone! Manufacturer:Purchase:AFTER REVIEWING YOUR COMPLAINT AND THE STEPS YOU HAVE TAKEN TO RESOLVE IT, YOU MAY BE REFERRED TO ANOTHER AGENCY, A PRIVATE ATTORNEY, SMALL CLAIMS COURT OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURT, OR SOME OTHER METHOD OF RESOLVING YOUR COMPLAINT. A COPY OF THIS COMPLAINT MAY BE SENT TO THE BUSINESS COMPLAINED AGAINST. Full Complaint:A police report has been filed with the Denham Springs police dept. Case# 2010018019 Our VIN was factory secured when All Star collision began repairs on or around August 10, 2010. Somewhere between then and October 29, 2010 the tag was removed and replaced with a fake tag. The shop denied taking the tag, however; they readily admit to putting the fake one in it's place. They never notified us of any of this and let us drive away. It was revealed to us by the GEICO insurance adjuster(Shawn Duet) of what had happened. We immediately took the Jeep back and demanded repairs be finished and the original VIN replaced! I believe their actions constitute a felony! What would Satisfy your Complaint?Make complete repairs to include re-issue if possible, of original VIN. Second option if VIN can't be replaced, exchange vehicle with pre accident replacement cost vehicle of similiar type and condition.
PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY. By submitting this form, you are signifying that you have read and understand the following statements:

I understand the Attorney General's Office may provide copies of this form and any attachments to the business complained about and other private and public agencies. I authorize the Office of the Attorney General to give copies or any information of the form toanyone deemed necessary by them.

I understand that the Attorney General's office is not my legal representative. I understand that it is recommended that I consult a private attorney. I also understand that I may lose my private right to sue about this matter entirely if I wait too long to do so. I also understand that any action by the Attorney General's office may not result in a refund or other relief for mepersonally.

I wish to file this complaint with the Attorney General's office. I understand that your office does not conduct litigation for individuals in matters which involve purely private controversies. I am, however, filing this complaint to notify your office of the activities of this party and to seek any other assistance you may be able to render.

I understand and agree to all above conditions.
javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$cphMain$LinkButton1','')Complaint was submitted successfully!
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I would go with the ". Second option if VIN can't be replaced, exchange vehicle with pre accident replacement cost vehicle of similar type and condition." And get a good attorney and sue for emotional distress also. You did love your Jeep like a child I'm sure. Good luck.
Well it worked.......They gave us this for all our trouble and their illegal act! We're satisfied now...the letter to the Attorney General really got the ball rolling...remember that if ever you feel wronged!:shades:


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Wow, so you got a replacement vehicle? Good job.

So, what's the scam here? They take your VIN and use that to title another Jeep that has some sort of VIN problem?

FYI - I removed your address and phone number from the original post.
Yeah around here since Katrina in 2005! Flooded cars and the like get wiped clean. The strange part was the collision center made a VIN tag and sent us on our way..... Had we gone through a roadblock or get pulled over the car would have been impounded and then inspected by State police...all at our expense! The way it was we couldn't offer it for sale or auction. I did have the State police go to their shop and he did some "Blue tag" thing to allow it to roll....We didn't want it back after that....or the lost value! The General Manager from the dealership agreed and made us whole. So much for the collision center...didn't see our guy again!
This is the accident that happened August 2nd!!! It's still not completed? Wasn't really that bad ecept the airbags blowing..... Why ask why? 8)


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I see it up for sale!!!! Buyer beware! We did take care of her.... I'm not so sure about the VIN issue 1J8HG48K06C238703