2001 Grand Cherokee 4.0 dies 3x on way home


New member
So just after leaving work my jeep died 3 times. Felt like fuel interruption. Car started back right away after dying each time. Made it home fine after 3rd stall and was surprised to see code 1391( cam or crank sensor). I noticed about a week ago car would buck just once right around the same time too when I leave work. I was suspecting fuel problems( filter) but after getting code 1391...who knows. Should I just replace both cam and crank and take from there? I had a feeling something might be going when the car started bucking a week ago so maybe its time to just replace the sensor.
Thanks in advance.

Doug M ny country

Wow you are having some issues with this vehicle.
Any timing shaun slap? The belt could have jumoed a tooth and started the bucking issue.
If not Id start by making sure ODPA is not worn and is set to TDC and aligned to timing marks.
Then change one sensor. Starting with the crank sensor.
If you have a scan tool that will show the cam and crank signals use it to determine which signal is iff ir missing.
Remember to use OEM sensors.

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Wow you are having some issues with this vehicle.
Any timing shaun slap? The belt could have jumoed a tooth and started the bucking issue.
If not Id start by making sure ODPA is not worn and is set to TDC and aligned to timing marks.
Then change one sensor. Starting with the crank sensor.
If you have a scan tool that will show the cam and crank signals use it to determine which signal is iff ir missing.
Remember to use OEM sensors.

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ODPA? I don't think I jumped a tooth. I think one of the sensors started acting up last week and then yesterday it started to show it ugly face. It did run for about 20 miles last night to get me home. So this morning I figured I'd give it a go and $120 bucks later after a tow I'm thinking the cam or crank are bad. I am thinking of doing both and call it a day. They are pretty cheap from RockAuto. Isn't the stock one NTK? I think that was the 02 sensor brand I replaced? Thanks in advance.
dlm ny country
Id start with the crank sensor. Make sure it has the paper gasket. This is actually a spacer for installation.
You could buy both but change one at a time. I buy from jeep dealer.
There is a relearn you should do once a sensor changed.
If you have or could borrow from AZ or O’Reilly ... a code reader that will show ckp cpk switching you could see what one is bad.

OPDA is oil pump drive assembly. It is what replaced the distributor location on the cam shaft. The cam sensor is mounted on the OPDA. It can be twisted to cause an issue.

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The relearn is resetting the PCM with a battery disconnect, key on, key off, reconnect battery 5 min later.

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Had a chance to get the crank sensor in. It was a pain in the butt but I managed to get it from underneath with two wobble tips and long extensions. Let the car idle for 1/2 hour and no shutdown. Will give it a few short runs around town before I feel it's road worthy once again. No issues with relearn. Not needed.. No. codes either. HTH

dlm ny country

Glad you got it fixed!
Now enjoy!


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Well you would NOT believe what happened tonight. Took out the Jeep to go to the store and I'm about 1 1/2 miles from my house and I hear this dragging noise. I'm thinking, OK I screwed something up. I pulled over asap on a side road and I see my gas tank dragging and leaking fuel. Lucky no fire !!! I knew I had a rusty skid plate for the gas tank but I never thought it actually held it in place. I thought the tank would have straps and the skid plate was to protect the plastic tank for off roading and such. I was fortunate to get my brother to come down and with a bunch of very large tie straps we got the tank up and used some aluminum tape (the good stuff used on furnaces) to actually stop the gas from leaking. Put about a gallon in and got her home. I really don't feel like putting any big money in this Jeep to get her road worthy. I might have to find a pick and pull for a tank and make some straps to hold the tank in. JEEEZ

dlm ny country
So I went to pick n pull today. Struck out on the the two front bolts on the skid plate for gas tank that bolt to the frame. Got everything else off. Might go back next weekend and give it another shot. I used a 6 point 18mm 1/2 inch breaker bar WITH a pipe on the end . The 2 front most bolt rounded off a bit so I couldn't get them to crack. Not sure what next. Might try a lump hammer with a cold chisel and maybe a 18 volt sawmill. CAn't use a grinder at the pick n pull but they didn't say anything about a sawzall.

dlm ny country

You try heat? Yeah gas and heat not a good thing. Just heat the bolt.

Saw this thing... Don't know where you buy or rent one.


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So I got a replacement tank and a skid plate for my WJ. The gas tank has a different angle on the connection next to the gas filler nipple. Is that for overflow on gas when filling? I hope my hose will have enough length to reach the new tank attachment since it is a few inches away. My original tank is on the left and you can see the bottom left hose connection is straight up as opposed to the new tank (right) is at an angle pointing to the right. Any tips would help.
dlm ny country


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Are you sure that is the correct tank?
It's not a big deal to replace the filler hose. The old one probably has some bad spots anyway - they get brittle as they age.
Are you sure that is the correct tank?
It's not a big deal to replace the filler hose. The old one probably has some bad spots anyway - they get brittle as they age.
I took the skid plate and tank out of another Jeep WJ. Not sure of the year. Most likely, there are small mods done over the generation span (1999-2004 I think) and that is most likely what I am dealing with. Tank size and shape is pratically the same. I am curious to what that 2nd smaller hose running down next to the main filler hose is for. I'm thinking it is for breathing and back flow for filling the tank.

dlm ny country
I don't know for sure but have always assumed the 2nd [small] hose was for air to escape so the tank can be filled easier.

Yeah that is what I'm thinking, plus over flow from the gas filler surround molding. Anyways, I got the tank hooked up. I ran an extension hose so I could reach the small filler hose. I used coolant line and a brass fitting to couple it to the original hose. There is a small gas vent hose near the fuel pump that was also in a different spot than original tank. That was ez enough, I just extended the hose with some gas line (1/4"?) I had in the garage. I supported the tank with some large zip ties, got it in place, added some gas and she is running ok. I got her in the garage and now I will get the skid plate and straps bolted up. Snow storm coming so I might have to wait till next week. Can't wait get this running so I can dump it. :)
dlm ny country