cant seem to get my hilift jack to work


New member
i bought a hilift jack a while ago, but never use it becaise i cant seem to figure how to get it to move in the "down" direction. i can put it under the jeep, and jack it up fine, but cannot go the other way. the directions told me all i have to do is move that switch deal from the "up" to the "down" and then pump the handle, but this does not work, as the pegs simply do not grab any of the it me or the lift doing something worng?

Did Firestone Mess Me Up?

You do have to pump the handle all the way down then it starts to lift until the peg releases then it lets it down until the peg graps again and so on. I didn't use mine for a while and it was hard to get the lever switched over but a little lub should help. Also if you put the handle straight up and down It will compleatly release to lower back down so be carfule not to do that. I really have only had to use mine 1 time on a trailer(nock on wood) so someone that has used theirs more may have better insight.
You need to lube it up real good. It is dry and sticky cause it is new. Get some lithum greese at least that is what I use and lube it up real good and then work it up down up down and all around got to break that puppy in a little. tug :wink:
Careful what lube you use as it will attract dirt and cause even more problems. Try lubricating the pins with lithium grease or even WD40.

You'll have to pump the handle all the way down and then let up slowly to lower the jack. This takes the load off of one pin and puts it on the other.

DON'T LET GO OF THE HANDLE BAR!!!! Be aware when you're letting your jeep down. If you aren't careful that bar will swing up and WHAM! Tug, you know what I'm talkin' about :lol:
While you are lifting have someone else spraying WD40 into the Pins. this will free it up for the time being but later on after cleaning the dirt and grime out Lith it up and have a good time. TOO many time have I worked with a hi-lift with one hand on the jack and another working the pins with a flathead screwdriver. Not as safe but HEY when you are in a pickle, I can make ANY hi-lift work. Just Ask Tug.
Yes Adam I do know what you are talking about. We were there when greenreaper was breaking in his new toy. Said to Adam I did be careful and hang on to the handle it will hurt you if you are not careful. Bout that time Wam hit him on the cheek. I could tell it hurt by the swelling and cut on his face but he was a tropper about it all the way through. tug

avyoung said:
Also if you put the handle straight up and down It will compleatly release to lower back down so be carfule not to do that. .

if your jack does this while under a load you have a serious problem.. the jack will not release both pins unless there is less than 50lb on the jack - this is by design. you can safely put the handle straight up while under load, just expect it to suddenly drop as your jeep is about all the way back down while lowering. I put the handle up all the time when my jeep is jacked up and i need to get by the handle for whatever reason. if the lower pin wont release when you push down on the handle with the lever down. sometimes a light tap on the assembly will get it to move.

just my $.02
When the shinny red paint is gone and a bit more than a little surface rust is starting to form. Whe there is some serious wear on them nice pipe wrench like traction points on the jack. When then lube you use has been reapplyed several times and a high pressure wash has been applyed to make it touchable a few times it just will not work just right. However it is not a big deal to get it to this point. Just go get stuck alot and soon it will be one of your best and most trusted friends. hehehe tug
Exhaust to EGR connection

Strongly consider mounting your hilift to the inside of the jeep if you want it to be reliable when you need it most. Mine's always inside and it seems to always work when others fail, mostly ones that are bumper mounted. Something to consider.

Mounted mine with two exhaust clamps and wingnuts, same can be done by welding studs to the rollbar. Note the clip to attach the base, really speeds things up.

look what i found

Bounty__Hunter said:
Strongly consider mounting your hilift to the inside of the jeep if you want it to be reliable when you need it most. Mine's always inside and it seems to always work when others fail, mostly ones that are bumper mounted. Something to consider.

Mounted mine with two exhaust clamps and wingnuts, same can be done by welding studs to the rollbar. Note the clip to attach the base, really speeds things up.

real good point.. also, jack guard makes an excellent case if you have to store it out in the weather - i have mine in one on the safari rack and its nice & watertight