Dr. Z Commercial

Anyone seen the new commercial with the CEO of Daimler-Chrysler-Benz? The one where he explains all the newer features of the all the DCB cars? I love the part where he takes the Jeep over the offset incline and has two wheels hanging in the air!!:p

I cant stand that commercial...Dr. Z just buggs the heck out of me. Bring back the Hemi guys :)
I love those... Particularly where he pulls the 4-link suspension off in the guy's front lawn, and then just walks off... :)
Wow... So I don't know about your areas, but the Ask Dr. Z commercials are in full force 'round here... But being that we have the Chrysler Group World Headquarters a mere 20 miles north of me in Auburn Hills, we get a bonus... Namely a 900 foot Dieter Zetsche smiling down upon us from the tower right on I-75...


This picture doesn't do it justice, it wasn't all the way up, and seeing it from the freeway is really an experience.

I couldn't deal with that big freakin pic. I am getting very tired of the commercials and the one that usually follows it here in Texas is the grey haired dude that won American Idol singing for a car dealership. It never fails, every freakin break these two always play back to back. They must be paying some bucks to keep them going.
I like the cheesy pun "we have the cleanest 4x4's" when Dr. Z talks about emissions, and it shows the jeep lineup covered in mud.