Lucas Transmission Fix

I'm getting 2 codes now. Come on for a day or 2, then go off for a day or two. PO740 and PO775. Both related to the transmission. I don't see any difference in the shifting when the engine light is on or off. I'm keeping the ATF filled. What's happening here?

Tcc/ptu solenoid, for the torque converter clutch lock up system is the PO740. I cant find po775 anywhere.

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The codes your jeep is now displaying are obviously directly related to line pressure. Although your doing right by maintaining fluid level , which is keeping line pressure up , solenoid valves are reacting to the viscosity change in the fluid . It's gone from glass half , the Lucas treatment has , for the most part , cured the leak to now causing disruption in steady line pressure reading. It is our hopes that shifting will continue to be normal and it should pending fluid level, but the solenoid valves sense the change previously mentioned and are reacting accordingly. We knew this would happen as the Lucas fix is only temporary at best . My family already went through this with a 2000 grand 4.7 4spd overdrive. Replacement became the only option as the reminder of borrowed time was up. Now my half full glass temperature is rising as it was when I advised mom and dad not to wait too long seeking replacement. Although they did not , as you are not procrastinating , we are reminded Lucas is only a temporary fix as you knew from the start.
Sorry I said it this way , I held back with the knowledge I had of mom and dads trans problems and this just deeply upsets me that for theses reasons we lose trust in our jeep and NEVER thought the sun would rise on that day . Now everyone knows why I drive my thus far trusty '92 with the AW4 which I've heard has the least complaints. I did not enjoy writing this . Sorry :redface:

Tcc/ptu solenoid, for the torque converter clutch lock up system is the PO740. I cant find po775 anywhere.

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I asked what was happening, not what the codes read, you silly goober. I have the codes, all relating to transmission, but they are gibberish.
PO775 - solenoid switch valve latched in torque converter clutch position.
The codes your jeep is now displaying are obviously directly related to line pressure.

Right. I knew that it was, uh, obviously related to, um, pressure. My next question, if I sit on this am I going to ruin more than the trans? If I'll have to have it replaced, I don't mind checking the fluid levels every couple days for a year, if its going to last that long, as long as I'm not killing anything else with it.
Has the leak slowed? When you get the codes does it shift different?

Still leaking. From when I turn the ignition until it is warm. I assume the heat is sealing the leak. I notice no difference in shifting and I am getting better gas mileage since adding Lucas (lol). Caught ATF mid drip in the pic.


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Your comments are welcome as we know you meant it with love . We also know you have a degree in wrenching and would not try to treat you like someone who walks into a shop clueless but carries a big pocketbook full of cash either . That being unnecessarily said , it is fortunate if your jeep has an optional auxiliary trans cooler to help keep temperatures down when level drops . This is a concern since the cooler lines are also routed through the radiater . When trans fluid temperature raises to higher than normal , it cooks the engine coolant which is not helpful and the tank the trans fluid passes through which are commonly brass will soon fail as its solder joints will begin leaking. This won't do your radiator and engine any favors either. Not to expand on old war stories , but a friend was urged to do something about his trans problem on a '93olds delta 88 and sat on it too long. The damage was severe overheating from trans fluid mixing with coolant . Trans fluid by design holds in heat to a specified rating for what application to aid friction surface on internal clutch facing material. We ended up pulling the cylinder heads off to check for cracks and warpage , reassembled with new gaskets after flushing block with a friggin' pressure wash ! Yeah , it got ugly ! New radiator , not so new trans and misc. items incurred to a total of OVER $1000 over a period of months on our backs . I know you are stressing over this as anyone would righteously so , I totally forgive your fading patience but I regret there is only one cure , I won't repeat but its to spend money. From my experience , this can and has happened and I wish it on no one . I deeply regret the need for a financial procurement , but I trust you own a really nice vehicle or else you would not be considering an expensive proposition as trans replacement. I am wishing the best for you with the knowledge of past calamities , the delta 88 , mom and dads 2000 GC and maybe others too distant to remember. Again , I do not enjoy being the bearer of bad news , but the only happy ending in this tale of red trails is replacement. I pray there is a truly reputable shop that offers quality replacement. Hate to just leave you with my best wishes knowing the the truth not only hurts , IT SUCKS ! I only know how to fix something right or not at all which costs people money, I regret . If anyone has a better suggestion of cheaper , viable solution , I will always listen with respect .
Am I understanding from greg92jeepxj that you think I need to replace the trans? You don't think replacing the front seal to stop this leak should be my next step?
Let me not speak too fast , from the experience mom and dad went through , they bought second hand a 2000 jeep grand cherokee that was GORGEOUS . Then my brother changed trans fluid well after the purchase . Sometime after that , the leak surfaced . Yes , Lucas or something else was in the trans prior , but not after the fluid change . Then the symtoms , codes and engine temp rising. My dad said " ok , I'll follow the guys advice " and changed trans. The guy did right with a '95 pathfinder , so my dad trusted him. It worked out to this day . The shop owner said that the trans has to come don anyway , that's labor , and you want to trust seal replacement on a vehicle you know little history ? He showed my dad how many jeeps with that trans had that history . Enough said. I guess I should ask more jeep owners of your model of search that trans and that year if is a common problem close enough to get this kind of forum attention .
I can only say , I hate to see you spend the money for a seal job and have it backfire. Lets tread carefully before proceeding how other jeeps of your year and model fared. I want to be sure too . I don't want to make you spend money on half a glass . I have only the previously posted experiences to speak of but I respect its your money and time that I am potentially spending.

Must get ready to return to work , but I want to research what trans mom and dads jeep has versus the 2006 TJ first for any info floating around on this I.E. , recall , bulletins , etc. . If anyone can better support and come to the aid of TrailRatedRN , their post(s) welcome.
I feel bad that I reccomended the Lucas and now your having a problem with it. I really don't see how it could have caused a line pressure problem or a prob with solinoid switch valve. I wonder if Lucas has a number you could call and mention your situation. You asked if you would do it do anymore damage to the trans to keep on driving it. This is just a tough question because I'm not sure what's actually going on inside that case. I would think by the codes given you would notice a change in how it shifts. There could have been a deeper problem before you added the Lucas. The way I would be if it were mine is, if it shifted fine, the temp gauge didn't run unusually high, and it didn't slip I would think it was ok.
If there's alot of miles on this trans and you take it out to replace the seal you may be better off just going through it while it's out. I really hate auto trans problems, they can be so hard to diagnose on the newer stuff. A few years back, my sons 99 Dodge truck wouldn't shift right, it went into "limp mode" had 1st 2nd and reverse. It turned out the battery ground was corroded causing the computor to act erratic thus the electronicly shifted trans didn't work right.

I'm glad your getting better MPG's, sorry your trans acts like my ex wife off her meds.
It's becoming that there is a deeper problem, it may be the pump that is right there where the seal lives. My '92 with 168,000 + miles is not and has not leaked from its front desk. Why would this 2006 with presumably less mileage has such aleck ? There must be some TSB's to supports this problem. I cannot see a 3.00$ or so seal fixing it. There can only be a solution found in a reputable tranmission replacement . What say all ?

50K miles on this auto transmission, and I do NOT drive it like a rental. The check engine light has been off for several days now (at least 3). Feels like it shifts the same regardless of whether the light is on or not. I would go so far as to say it is shifting better. I had been hanging out in the 2k RPM prior to the Lucas, now he rides at 1k-1500 (I have changed my tire size from the factory 30" to 33"). I'm also getting better gas mileage sine the Lucas; a good 2-3mpg better! Still a leak. I have put a qt in total since the fluid change.
I think this is the whole point. I know how you love your jeep and I would not want it to break your heart . I wish not to cause harm to your love and trust with your trusty vehicle so I want to be sure that any advice given is what is good for both , you and your jeep. I'm treating this problem the way I have addressed any member with a problem that I think I may be of help to.
We know the Lucas additive causes a reaction internally and shows up electronically but I am not fearing it being harmful as you being the operator would know better if it were. I believe that it should be explored whether a replacement is necessary or repair to the existing trans. Just because a replacement worked out for my mom and dad , it may not be necessary in your case . You know what you got in your trans , it works and why part with it . Mom and dads probably suffered longer than they owned it and replacement became necessary due to a fluid overheating condition. If this is not the case with your trans , then it is also my hope for you that before any harm comes to your trans , that obviously , the leak be addressed , obviously. That's all you've been saying from the beginning. Now , what is leaking ? Yes , from the front seal . But it is a belief of mine that the seal is not only what is responsible for fluid literally draining out . We need to know , will a seal hold back this fluid loss or is fluid forcing out under pressure. I would not want you steered wrong , pay labor for a seal install and it not work . Is the fix a replacement oil pump ?has the pump become worn and sloppy and fluid squeezing past the bushing and out the seal , appearing as a seal leak ? If this is true , does that qualify as a defect ? Only 60,000 miles ? Is this now between you and Chrysler ? Now I know why this is stressing you , it would me to. Why can't someone just give you the right answer so you can fix it and go on as you wish ?
Thinking about this all yesterday how best for you to proceed . I'm guessing warranty of bumper to bumper coverage after purchase doe not apply or you would have already done so .
Sorry about that . I deeply feel Chrysler should fix it but how to get the truth from them is tough . Bottom line ; a professional and well respected trans service center needs to confirm via inspection the exact cause and not look to make a buck on a seal job not caring if it fixes it .
That is the problem . Need someone who knows that trans. 60,000 mi. , I just don't buy that it's normal for this leak . You know it. Not when my '92 with 100,000 more mi. does not leak !
ok,, Chrysler jeep needs to step up to the plate . You bought your jeep in good faith , trusting the name , expressed your love for jeep , etc. , now they owe you at least an explanation what is wrong and why . This I believe is the first course of action since your jeep is still fairly new and they better not treat you like the owner of an old jeep ! When you are satisfied with what Chrysler owes you , repair can proceed . But in my book , they owe you . Before they get their hands on it , if you decide , thinking the trans be flushed of additive so does not appear in any inspection . If their trying to get over on the public with an inferior product , you will get over on them by proving you played by the rules . Discovered a leak , replaced lost fluid and made an appointment . Trusted jeep name , payed good money , you know the deal . Your angry and time to put it in their face . I'm angry just thinking , if I had the money to buy a new jeep , will I get hurt too ? Why should you ! Seal , pump , trans , don't care , WANT IT FIXED ! Jeep , you owe me . I WAS a happy jeep owner , now I'm mad ! You hurt jeep's name , not me ! You built it , I just bought it ! Sorry if my post causing chest pains , but they owe you ! This has gotten me upset on your behalf too . Praying more for you than your jeep . So very sorry.

P.S. - cute caption .
The leak is getting worse. Started keeping a drain pan under him when i parked. I finally folded. He's in the shop getting a new front seal.

It is our highest hopes that a replacement seal does justice to this leak , which now is of magnitude . The expense has gotten to the point where this repair HAD BETTER work by the owners personal feelings. We of course hope to see soonest a good report to the owners satisfaction . Heaven forbid that there is the need for attention in the future with regards to this model transmission for this vehicle or any other member(or non-member) ,
i will post a site that may be of most interest with regards to a solution to a long lasting repair in terms of durability and longevity. Best wishes to all whom may encounter such dreaded problems with the 42RLE trans. Greg
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A solution to the 42RLE problem , replacement. The aw-4 is venerable as well as reputable trans that has proven itself many years in many jeeps . Of course Chrysler decided not to continue to use a NISSAN design for its jeeps and once again sell their products with problematic transmissions as they were famous for in the past. We thank Stu Olsen for the dedicated research and development as many will prosper from your commitment.
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