New to Jeeps


New member
Hello to everyone. My daughter and I have a 1999 Jeep Cherokee Wagoneer and we're new to moding Jeeps. Straight 6 (4.0 if I remember right), automatic with 373 gears. I've been round Fords all my life and even tried chevys and dodges. Dodge I liked better then chevy though Ford I like the most. Her? Shes just starting to get into this money pit of a hobby :)

Now my daughter wanted this Jeep, which is great. I heard and seen many Jeeps which last very long. With this one I had to replace lots of parts on it already. The usual things broke on it i.g. clock spring, front and rear prop struts, door actuators, new head light bulbs and housing, front suspension parts, etc.

Now we're looking to go s bit further with the modding. I'll make new threads on questions looking to be replied to.

Welcome @torqueO.....the "short" list of replacement parts thus far are nothing unusual for 20 yr old vehicle. Once the Jeep is on your preventative maintenance schedule the aftermarket parts world will be waiting for you :beer:

Thank you. I'll try n get picks later this week. She informed me she owns a Grand Cherokee Laredo not Wagoneer, my mistake.

Now shes looking for a small lift for her Laredo, a roof rack, a bike rack, and a light bar if it will go with the lines of the WJ and the roof rack. Shes not looking to stand out. Looking to keep it clean, she likes the body lines on it, n just have something that looks good, useful, and under the radar from cops.