Radio morningshow

Stern or my cd's, the FM radio will brainwash you. Alternative stations are not alternative. They are mainstream. Find your own music, don't let them tell you what to listen to.

Who's morals? Does everyone share the same morals? Thought this was the land of the free. Intolerance is bad for everyone. Difference of opinion is what this country is founded on, not the repression of others freedoms because you disagree with their opinions. If you would have said he is a horrible smut peddler and I dont like him or what he stands for, I would be ok with that, but this attitude that "things I don't like or approve of need to be purged from this earth" is flawed. The very people who are trying to take your Jeep and public lands away have that exact same outlook on life.
Does everyone share the same morals

So if my morals allowed for me to kill a person, would that be ok, because i thought it was?

The very people who are trying to take your Jeep and public lands away have that exact same outlook on life.

What are you trying to accomplish here. The reasons those ''greenies'' want to take public land is because of irresponsable (sp) 4x4ers who go out and tear up the land and have no regard for decency, much like people such as Howard Stern. People who keep pushing the envelope can only push it so far untill there is a backlash from the public, and freedoms are limited such as public lands, and free speech.
Morals and laws are two different things, you find a law against free speech and you have an arguement. Also your morals probably do allow for the killing of a person (I know mine do), you can kill people convicted of crimes and sentenced to death, or in defence of yourself and your family, or in defence of our country.

You are crazy if you think those greenies want to take away public land because of irresponsible 4X4 use. They want to take it all away and limit access of any kind, even foot traffic. Large enviro groups buy up large tracts of land and then only allow certian people even to hike on it. The greenies want you to drive a car that has zero pollution (i.e. you'd better buy a bike). They want to take away all your firearms so that you cannot hurt animals. They want to make you eat tofu *shudder*. Surely you can see that the 4X4 issue is only smoke and mirrors to advance their end goal.

Freedoms may be limited but should intelectual freedoms be? What about religious freedom, where are the limits on it? Majority of people in this country are not christians and a lot of them would really love to (and are trying) to limit our religious freedoms. Can't you see that its all the same and that it will eventually end up effecting you and your freedoms when the government decides to eliminate something that you hold dear by law or tax.

Again I'm making no arguement for Sterns decency, i'm making an arguement for pro-freedom and liberty, I'm making an arguement for changing the channel when something you dont personally like comes on.

I am a product of the quick twich kill 'em all video game and movie generation. I love shooting terrorists (and my two younger brothers) on my computer, I love watching zombies eat brains. I've been a fan of the Rolling Stones and Black Sabbath since I can remeber. I listen to Howard Stern occasionally. I am a Christian. I am an Eagle Scout, I was a Scoutmaster for 3 years. I am a college graduate. I am active in my community, have recieved several citizenship awards, and have (and continue to) donated thousands of hours of community service.

How weak must a person be to allow Howard Stern to take away their decency? Was that person decent to begin with?

I listen to Z100.5 Beaner and Ken. Local B'ham radio station, but they used to be in or around Boston. Thought maybe some of you might have heard of them.
I've listened to Bob and Tom before, they're on a St. Louis station. Then there's the JohnBoy and Billy Big show.

Has nobody else caught the MJ Morning Show in any of the affiliate cities? Used to be the MJ and BJ Morning show years ago.

I wouldn't lose any sleep if they got rid of Stern. I agree with the statement about the public majority fighting back indecency when it goes too far, he needs a reality check.

If you would not do it, say it or listen to it in front of the people you respect the most " such as your pastor, wife, mother, father, your scouts, ect..." in the same manner you do it in private chances are it is not moral. Morals are not the same for everyone, but right is right and wrong is wrong. Other than the insane should know in their hearts what is right and wrong. There are tens of thousands of laws on the books in the USA and all of them studyed cloesly root back to the simple ten comandments. No matter the religion ther big ten stand. Word them any way you wish and they are still the root of morality. Stern bust several of em every time he signs on the air. Is it funny and crazy yes! Have I listened to him Yes. Is ir moral NO! But he is no wrose than a thousand others.

I too sometimes find myself listening to something that I know is just wrong. Looking at a female in a lustful manner. Wanting to kill some butt hole in the traffic jam. Ect....... this is all just the human in us. Howard like many other famous are just plain bad. They have their rights to be this way. You Me We all have the right to watch and even be like him. To have the right does not make it ok right moral or what ever you want to call it. Heck I have not found to many morning showes that are not a at least a little Rancuhy. But that is a self concering matter.

Do what you feel comfortable with. Who is to judge what you like and or dislike. Feel good or bad about. In the end all I wish to add to this useless post is this. Keep a close prespective to where you heart and mind are cause a man that will not stand for something will fall for anything. tug
And stand by your convictions you should!! But my convictions differ from everyone else's.

I have to agree with Out of Step on this one.

The problem is with the assumption that there is a universal "right" and "wrong." There isn't.

Wrong is NOT always wrong. And right is NOT always right. It's all relative to the environment and culture in which you are from. Moralities are not universal. Trust me, I would say almost ANYTHING infront of my mom, my father, my grandparents etc, BECAUSE I respect them so much. They wouldn't want it any other way. For example: Many of my family members don't trust anyone who doesn't curse. The value placed on "inappropriate" words is different in that household. And turned, to be wary of those who hold back. "They have something to hide", My grandmother says.

Now while I don't agree with her opinion here, it's an example how perspective and culture affect the reasoning of morality. Morality is a personal choice, made from the values of one's environment. Laws (including the Ten Commandments) are the result of cause and effect. You punched me in the hurts... thus: "thou shalt not punch me." Simple as that.

There is nothing more or less profound about it.

Just my two. I still love y'all. :wink:
I just want to say Im sorry for starting all this. I dont want anyone to get upset and argue. Its all just difference of opinion. I like Howard, (probably the only woman who does) But I do disagree with alot of things he has to say/do, but for the most part its good entertainment, especially when thats all that comes in on your radio :lol:

purpleyjgirl said:
I just want to say Im sorry for starting all this. I dont want anyone to get upset and argue. Its all just difference of opinion.
Don't be sorry, this has made for some excellent reading! I can't stand Stern, so I don't listen to him. I can honestly say I would be happy if he was off the air, but like many said he has a right. I would not want to take his rights away or put my own in jeapordy to silence him. I would agree with TUg and Far Right that there are basic foundations and standards of morality because I believe that those 10 commandments were written by God as a law for us. I did not always feel this way and it's funny but even before I was a Christian I think in my heart i agreed with all of those commandments although I lived with a total disregard for them. Things are different now. I would rather hope for guys like Howard Stern to have a change in their life sparked by something other than the morality police ripping him off the radio. It's not supposed to be like that, and it would just do more harm than good.
Aussie Lockers

Tug-n-pull said:
this is all just the human in us...
... Keep a close prespective to where you heart and mind are cause a man that will not stand for something will fall for anything. tug

Good words. Everyone will falter and make mistakes, but picking yourself back up, holding the course and standing your ground make good men (and women) what they are.

Hey, I started it :lol: If anybody is to fault, it's me ;)

Just kidding, no fault need placed here, just good strong arguments one way or the other, nothing wrong with it. I'ts good to be able to voice strong opinions without becoming personal attacks or juvenile.
OutOfStep said:
purpleyjgirl said:
I just want to say Im sorry for starting all this. I dont want anyone to get upset and argue.

Naah its my fault, i'm the one that killed the thread, sorry.

Naah, nobody should feel bad. It's all good clean fun! We just have such an intellectual and diverse bunch of forum members on this site. I think it's very cool.

I guess if you read, it has a tendency to seem like the debate was sour, but I didn't take that way. I hope everyone else didn't either. :)
purpleyjgirl said:
but for the most part its good entertainment
exactly, and thats the point that a lot of people miss, its entertainment. if that kind of entertainment is not your cup of tea, then dont listen to it, its that simple. its no different than political talk radio or sports radio, if you dont like sports, then listen to another station. because believe it or not there are people who like different things than others, and the freedom of choice in this country, even just to pick your entertainment venue are what make this country great.