Sorry Redsox Fans


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Well its only mid march and I am already pumped for the baseball season to kick off. Its official...the Yankees have traded for A-rod. I feel bad for the Redsox Nation they had about 2 months in which they were the slight fav. to win the American League East. You should have all known the Empire wouldnt have let that happen. Good Luck in April :twisted:

judge09 said:
Well its only mid march and I am already pumped for the baseball season to kick off. Its official...the Yankees have traded for A-rod. I feel bad for the Redsox Nation they had about 2 months in which they were the slight fav. to win the American League East. You should have all known the Empire wouldnt have let that happen. Good Luck in April :twisted:

Which is why Baseball is no longer America's favorite pastime. It was funny though, poor Boston.
Online Blast Record!

i hate the evil empire with a passion. good for arod, and i'm not bitter that the sox didnt get arod, i like nomar. but a payroll over 200 million dollars, plus a luxury tax and revenue sharing figure that should reach about 70 million dollars?! what does the luxury tax even do then? a 200 million dollar payroll for one team, for ONE season, is disgusting. its a mark of shame for a storied franchise such as the yankees, and a huge black eye for baseball. fuck you george steinbrenner.

i respect the yankees, i'm thankful to be a boston fan and be able to watch one of the best rivalries in sports. but that payroll just ruins the game of baseball, they're spending 7 times what the devil rays are this year, how is that even fair? or fun to watch. the luxury tax obviously does nothing, cause steinbrenner is willing to pay it just to win, but there is a point where enough is enough. granted the sox, dodgers and some other teams have extremely high payrolls too, but nowhere near the magnitude of the yankees. good luck arod, i wish nothing bad upon him, and like i said before i'm not a bitter sox fan, i like nomar, and hey, we've suffered without a world series for generations, this is nothing new to us. i just feel bad for what steinbrenner is doing to the game of baseball.
Well said Bchcky! To long to quote. The Sox will go on and be great even with Nomar. It's not only ridiculous about the Yankees but all professional sports. They get paid way to much. I would love to have the opportunity to play professional ball for free. Just to play in the same stadiums that all the greats played, and to play the same game. But that's not going to happen because the game is not the same. The millions they waste paying those guys(all professional athletes) is ruining ALL sports.

bchcky said:
i but a payroll over 200 million dollars, plus a luxury tax and revenue sharing figure that should reach about 70 million dollars?! .
I look forward to watching the Orioles take 2 out of 3 in their first series.

One thought. If Derek Jeter were the "great team captain" that everyone in NY plays him up to be, he'd slide over to 3rd base and let the better shortstop play shortstop, but we all know he wont. See, that's the trouble with the Yanks, they're all superstars and superegos. It will befall them. I hope :lol:
discarded end table found in paragon woods ...

Just like typical Boston fans to get the facts all messed up just to make themselves feel better. With the release of Soriano, Henson, and Boone, the increase in yankee payroll will only be $700,000 for aquiring A-rod. $117 mil over 7 years for an MVP is a deal (if a $100mil contract can ever be considered a deal). And you better check your math there is no way they are paying $70mil in luxury taxes. They only paid $11 mil. last year and this years payroll is only 15mil more than last year.

Dont even start talking about how the Boss is ruining baseball. The redsox payroll is at $120 million. Why arent they giving away some of their all-stars to tampa? Baltimores payroll has been over $100million for years. The only difference is that the Yankees WIN with their 100million + payroll. And it pisses people off that they alway get the best available players when they need to fill a void. Bottom line is that the Boss is a great owner who does what it takes to win. I had just thought the A-rod signing was funny cause the Redsox wanted him so bad. or didnt want Manny and Nomar I cant remember which was the case.
Tub Removal?

This definatly does suck! I will take what ever season my red soxs give me! BUT one man can not change a entire team! (ok so Arod could)

It will still be a good season! even though you got arod, we still have something to prove! the red sox will not go quietly!

What they outta do is only have the sox and yanks play, like every game. The revenue on both sides would be outragous!

Judge09, bro, why don't we agree to disagree right now!

Now I will have to change my signature!

By no means was I saying that the Yankees are now going to smoke the Redsox. The Redsox more or less kept their entire team intact and added a great starting pitcher and closer. I thought before the A-rod signing that the Yanks would have a real tough year keeping up with the sox. Now I think they closed the gap pretty good (esspecially if they sign Maddux) My purpose of the post was just because I thought it was kinda funny he signed with the Yanks given the history of the Yanks and Sox battling over players. I just get frustrated with ignorant fans like bchcky
(and there are ignorant fans with any team) who just talk smack with distorted facts and I feel the need to correct them with the truth. I am real excited for this season, its going to be another good year of baseball between the Yankees and Redsox and I look forward to every one of those games.

jps4jeep... it was nice to see a post from a Redsox fan that actually was talking a little baseball and not just the yankees suck and the Boss is the death of the MLB.
judge09 said:
The only difference is that the Yankees WIN with their 100million + payroll.

The last time I checked, the Yankees haven't won the prize since 2000.

And FYI, the Yankees payroll is currently at 190million. The luxury tax threshold is 120mil. Let's see...190mil - 120mil = 70 million! That makes million over the threshold.

See, Red Sox fans can do math.
judge09 said:
I just get frustrated with ignorant fans like bchcky
(and there are ignorant fans with any team) who just talk smack with distorted facts and I feel the need to correct them with the truth.

read more carefully, i said luxury tax AND revenue sharing, together should reach around $70 million. and i read that on espn, i'm not just speculating. and sorry if the $200 million offended you if the payroll is only $190 million.

i did not bad mouth the yankees, i did not bad mouth arod. i am not bitter about arod going to the yankees, i still think it will be a very close race between the two teams. and may the best team in the AL east win. i simply said that i think it is ruining the game of baseball when a team signs evey player on the face of the planet simply because they can afford it. and i also stated in my previous post that i realize the sox have a very high payroll as well, and the new dodgers owner, frank mccourt, has said he will have their payroll over $100 million this year as well. i just think that a $70 million difference between the highest payroll (yanks) and the second highest (sox?) is pretty rediculous when you think about it.

so judge, read my posts more carefully before you shout off against me, the only person i took a shot at in my post was steinbrenner, not arod, not the yanks, not the yankees fans. and i follow sports very closely, and am careful about what i say, i dont think that most people would agree with you that my post made me sound like an ignorant fan. i am a baseball fan first, and just dont like where salaries are taking the game. especially when they all end up on the same team (minus that headache manny we have)

judge09 said:
jps4jeep... it was nice to see a post from a Redsox fan that actually was talking a little baseball and not just the yankees suck and the Boss is the death of the MLB.

i'm sorry, but isnt yankees suck in his signature judge? have i once said yankees suck in this thread? read with intensity! thats what my 9th grade bio teacher told me, then maybe you'll learn something. instead of just picking the parts out of my posts that you want to hear.

and by the way, that Yankees suck in my sig has been there for well over a year, so I just did not add it now.

I am a sox fan, always have and always will, I could care less about the politics of baseball, I enjoy the game for the fact that it is a game not a multi-billion dollar business! say what you all want, I will always support my local teams no matter what!
jps4jeep...I hear you on that one. Yankee fan good and bad here. I suffered through the 80's and I am enjoying a few wins in the 90s. But think or thin I grew up in pinstripes.

Spring Training started today...finally. It brings a little joy to the miserable frozen North East.