New member
I've got a 4-Door and I wave, some wave back/some don't? :shades:
I alwaaaaays wave at other Jeeps. But all I get in return are funny looks.It's a sad sad world we live in...
well, you do live in Kalyfornya!:shock:
since i've been back in a jeep and waving..i've been noticing alot of jeep drivers (that i'm waving at) with a cell phone glued to their ear...
Honestly..wouldn't phase me a bit if they made it illegal to drive and be on the phone (almost been hit twice in one week by acouple female drivers jaw-jacking on their cell).Now maybe if hey were using a hands free device...Maybe
alot of people wave at me,ive also seen alot of people almost break their neck trying to figure out the mutt-nutt.yeap,streeet legal.
i try to keep the wave goin but where i live everyone has there nose to high in the air to even see the wave ) : but there are a few that wave back.