Will it ever quit snowing???


New member
RE: girl + jeep

Well it is snowing again in the Sierra :( I can't believe it!!!

Most recent news I have seen says the Rubicon Trail is still covered in snow. Pictures I saw posted from last Friday show Loon Lake still froze over and 8 feet of snow on the road around the lake??? Last year at this time the trail had been open for almost a month, and I was camping up there already. What a bummer!!!!!!!!!

I am wondering if there will be any time for us non-jeepers jamboree folks to enjoy the trail this year :shock:

Also wondering if this is a sign of things to come????

Somber in Sactown :(

RE: girl + jeep

Ah to live so close to the Con. Must be nice.

RE: girl + jeep

Yeah, the Sierras have been hit hard this winter. I've been following closely wondering if I'll ever be able to get in there to do some work this summer. Looks like where I'm going (10,000-13,000 ft) won't be clear for hiking until late July. Snowpack at 8000' is still at >5ft. Bummer. Guess I may have to invest in some snowshoes this year.
RE: girl + jeep

Sully said:
Maybe I should hook up my heater and get up there for some snow fun!

Hook up your heater?!?! Aww, shuddup!!!! :lol:

It snowed up in NW Kansas a couple of days ago. Latest snow I remember here growing up was about 6" on May 6th, back in the late 70's. Melted by late afternoon, though.
RE: Hey Gang!

Only been in FL for a week and a half and I had to think hard about that little four letter word...still gives me the shivers. oh yeah 85 degress here.

judge09 said:
Only been in FL for a week and a half and I had to think hard about that little four letter word...still gives me the shivers. oh yeah 85 degress here.

Your missing it all........32* this morning :roll:
someone check me...

what a puzz. every time i bit it on my bike be it mini or large i always came up laughin'

I am not afraid of the snow, I just am not into messing up the trail. This time of year when everthing is breaking up is a bad time to be up there. Especially with the forest service and enviro-nazi's watching us so closely.

I do volunteer work for FOTR (Friends of the Rubicon) and they are asking us to not tear it up as well as not go up there during Memorial Day as it won't be clear of snow. Just wish it would melt and dry up so I could get up there and take pics and post em here!
RE: Re: I found a place finally!

88Wrangles said:
JeepNutz, is the Rubicon actually closed up now, or are they just asking that no one goes up there while there's snow?

My understanding is that it is closed from the loon lake side as far as wheeling the snow? Or at least it was until May 1st as we have an agreement with the x-country ski community.

Cruzilla is going in this weekend from the Wentworth side supposedly, and will probably have pics posted early next week on Pirate. Officially not ever closed from Wentworth side as far as I know.

I am hoping to get a good view of it from the plane tomorrow on my way home and if I am lucky I may have pics from 35,000' 8) If so I will post up. Was a lot of snow up there two weeks ago when I fle over but was sitting on wrong side of plane.

We shall see.

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: another newbie (lots of us lately!)

Snow in California? Strange...It hasn't snowed here on the Peninsula for about 8 years! 8)
RE: checked on my block today...


Supposed to stay in the 70's here for at least a week - 'bout time!!!!
RE: TJ gas fill and LED

What is snow? Never heard of it before. Can you ship me some so I can see what it looks like?

1992 JEEP Wrangler/YJ/cherokee 4.0L engine parts

For the past two weeks, it's been in the lower 30's in the mornings and only up to the upper 40's or lower 50's in the afternoons. Today hit 84!
I wish it would snow, been nothing but sunshine and fluffy clouds...

I hate sunshine and fluffy clouds! Blech!
RE: Durabak???

Saurian said:
I wish it would snow, been nothing but sunshine and fluffy clouds...

I hate sunshine and fluffy clouds! Blech!

Do you like rain? I'll trade my rain for your fluffy clouds and sunshine :lol:

RE: Re: My last trail run

Yes, yes, I do like rain...