YJ rectangle to round grille conversion kit


New member
If you are like me and was never impressed with the rectangle headlights on the YJ, then go to www.jeep4x4center.com, they have a grille conversion kit, the price has not been advertised yet I'll let you know when it is. there are other sites that have these kits just go to your search engine and type "YJ grille conversion" should have two or three sites. If anyone knows for sure what the price is on these let me know.

How 'bout a TJ to YJ (or CJ) dash conversion kit! :lol: :lol: I'd be interested in that!!!
florida laws? where??

what! this is blasphemy! i wouldnt mind a cj dash but headlight conversions are an abomination! what has this world come too... god i cannot believe this, such a sad day. actually ive heard about this garbage before and never thought it would come to pass but i geuss someone decided square headlights dont look right on a jeep and revamped it, o wait that was tj's (they also put car springs under those abhorred creations) gawd theyre hideous
Not that I am interested in the conversion because like said before its hip to be square, but I called that company today just to see how much they are and they told me that as of right now there wasn't a price and they still didn't know when it was coming out.

I guess I'm just stuck in the past, I always liked the round head light look never understood why they changed (currupt4130 kind of like the flat fender.... huh ?). Don't get me wrong I love my YJ, wouldnt sell her for the world, but she could use a face lift. ........suppose I'm going to burn in an eternal lake of fire for this? :twisted:
RE: Re: Hi & Help w/ yj wiring

sicnik said:
If you are like me and was never impressed with the rectangle headlights on the YJ, then go to www.jeep4x4center.com, they have a grille conversion kit, the price has not been advertised yet I'll let you know when it is. there are other sites that have these kits just go to your search engine and type "YJ grille conversion" should have two or three sites. If anyone knows for sure what the price is on these let me know.

Dude! Do the lights if you want. I did a lot of soul searching over the same subject. "To cut or not to cut" Last conversation with Omix I had, they told me I wouldn't ship for another 120 days. That was back in May. Here in December I still don't see it, and my local dealer couldn't order it yet.

I considered using the headlight buckets out of a wrecked CJ7 but after having a long conversation with my favorite local fabricator he convinced me that it would be cheaper to replace the front end with the CJ7.

After tearing what little hair I have left out, I decided to forget it. It ain't worth the aggrevaition. I did the next best thing, I lifted it, stripped it and spent some serious money doing body work and now painting it.

Yea, I wanted to be different but the square head lights says just that. The custom LED tail lights I had made for the back and the XJ gas fill also says that.

If you want to do round lights, by golly do round lights. You paid for it, have fun. :lol:


RE: Tools in your Jeep?

Nitedog, my man!! Good post. I like to be different too. On alot of stuff, I'll do something a certain way just because somebody tries to tell me it's "wrong". I hate the cookie-cutter way of building a Jeep. If you like it fast.....make it fast. If you like it pretty.....make it pretty. If you like chrome.....put so much on it drips from the fenders. There is no wrong way as long as the guy paying the bill is happy and the vehicle is safe.

As soon as I can find one in good shape, I'm putting a Jeepster frontend with the fullwidth hood on my CJ7. I'd also like to have a CJ8 half hardtop on it. When I finally get a CJ8, I might throw a YJ frontend on it just to be different.

RE: Re: RE: poor little Snitty needs some help...

these are the kind of ideas i like to hear
whatever makes people say "hmmmmmm?????" !!!! great having soemething you can play with and not worry about resale or purists doggin ya about changing things!
Junkpile, buddy of mine put a CJ front clip on his Commando, put the Commando clip on the shelf. It's a '73 so it's the clip that resembles a Bronco more than a Jeep. Pretty cool that the front clip lines up on each jeep.

Fenders, suspensions, wheels, bumpers, paint, tops, engines, anything else then go for it but the front end of a Jeep is what makes each of their identities known. It is what distinguishes it from the other Jeeps - especially the SWB Jeeps. Just my opinion, but I prefer to leave them be.
Sway bars???????

Junkpile, buddy of mine put a CJ front clip on his Commando, put the Commando clip on the shelf. It's a '73 so it's the clip that resembles a Bronco more than a Jeep. Pretty cool that the front clip lines up on each jeep.

Bounty, I didn't know you could do that!! Cooooool. I didn't even think about a Commando frontend. They aren't really my style.....but you can bet that if I ever have the two sitting around.....I'll be doing that conversion too. I'm a sick,sick,sick man.

RE: Sway bars???????

Personally I like the square headlights on the YJ's and I do like to see truly original jeeps out on the trail and the road. But I also like to look at something and wonder what it is. I think its good for everyone to shake thing up a bit and put their own person touches on their jeeps to show the type of person they are. If we all had the same type of jeep then there wouldnt be much point in owning one, we all drive jeeps b/c they're one of a kind. We'd all turn out looking like all the H2 Hummers you see driving around. They all look the damn same and they're bland as hell. So I say right on with the headlight conversion kit, make something interesting and pleasing to the eye. Be sure to post pics of it if you get it done so we can all check it out. By the way how do yall post picts up there???
I would not change to round at any cost. I even make the coolies we get from our club have square headlights. When all the others are gone, no one will take the one with squares drawn on it. lol 8) 8)

RE: Happy New Year JEEPZ!

There are some sick people out there Tug :lol:
Thank you TC, I do my best. However my sic mind still thinks the square headlights were a bad idea even back when I didnt own a jeep. as for the grille conversion it wont happen soon, I have other more important things to do to my jeep, so you guys can relax. Maybe in a few years when I get the $$$ I will convert, or change my mind.....who knows
RE: Re: Step into the Wayback Machine with me.....

You can do the conversion yourself with a CJ grill that you can cut the buckets out of. You would have to recess the CJ bucket slightly to deal with the angled YJ grill, but if you can weld you can do that conversion.

RE: Happy New Year JEEPZ!

was thinking about just refabing the existing grille, warrior can work wonders with a welder and dimond plate.