motor replacement

Its a rebuild, with a mild performance package/stroke. Well two days worth of hard work and no pictures. Camera failed and wiped the card out.
Did pull a quick vid of the start up.

Got rhe broken pieces with a camera shot from the phone

And the empty engine bay.

But after it was all said and done I have a small leak ar the top of the water pump, so next weekend the whole front has to come back off.

She drives and so far no problems. Had to redo the water pump(installer malfunction). But over all it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Roughly 20 hours, and any two fat old guys can do it.
Well first road test went good, with not driving my jeep for over six momths all I have to say....brakes suck, turns like a bloated whale in high seas, pick up still blows, was the stroker worth it? my ford beats it hands down even towing the pig on the lead sled we call a trailer... But oh god how I missed my jeep!
Glad you're up and running.
Regarding the performance, you need to get a CJ5 to drive when your TJ is down. That will help adjust your performance / speed expectations...
The JK is still an awesome jeep to me . I was awe struck when they first hit the street . That's back when I owned an '07 wk base model. That's past tense. But I can appreciate your desire for one. Just that any time I hear " CJ5 " , it brings a smile to my face . One day . Not giving up. Just me agreeing with Terry on seeing a member own a CJ5. To me , it's the jeep that started the trend. After all , how many guys have planted an LS1 into an MB or GPW compared to a CJ ? You get the idea .