My new baby needs a name! Help please!

Misti Lee

New member

She's all stock for now and Rhino blue! I'm having a hard time naming her and would like to display on decal.




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Well hello ! Welcome to . We appreciate your membership . That is one fine looking JK . Admittedly , it's difficult to stay focused on the jeep for very long but business is business . I'm thinking you want a guy's name for this beautiful rig so how about choosing one from your favorite male vocalist ? I'm not exactly up on what is hot in Texas on the air waves but I'm sure you are. If it's not a guy's name your after , how about something that describes its awesome appearance the moment someone's attention is caught by your jeep ? I'm not the best on names but that blue steel just grabs me so I'm starting right there . Black on blue , no doubt , you've got great taste ! I might just chose that color for my cj5 when it's time to get it into paint. That'll take some time. Blue steel ...... , yeah , this is going to be tough .
One things for sure , this is going to be a hot topic . Like your style . Misti blue .........
oh, now I see the jeep! nice jeep. nothing comes to mind off hand, ill have to think on it a bit. Welcome to the site!
Greg, you finally got a "5"? :)
oh, now I see the jeep! nice jeep. nothing comes to mind off hand, ill have to think on it a bit. Welcome to the site!
Greg, you finally got a "5"? :)
Yes sir , well actually two. A 1980 with a Pontiac 151 in pretty good shape and a 1973 with a 258 that needs floors ( from firewall to tailgate ).

Coal -Cole

Both are rocks for a rocking Jeep

and rock hard =trail ready.
Congrads on your new wheels. I'm thinking Gypsy, sorry Muddy Mudskipper is already taken.

Congrads on the CJ5's Greg, getting pretty Jeepy out your way.

And suddenly(well kind of suddenly) Greg is Jeep-rich!
soon to become jeep - poor , but just doing my part to help save the CJ one jeep at a time . Hey , I think I got this whole thing figured out . It's like a contest . Whoever has the most CJ's when they die , wins . Sound right ?
Congrads on your new wheels. I'm thinking Gypsy, sorry Muddy Mudskipper is already taken.

Congrads on the CJ5's Greg, getting pretty Jeepy out your way.
thank you sir ! Yeah , got three jeeps and one paycheck :shock: . But like muddy mudskipper said , " you want to make it in this world ? You gotta adapt ! " . How about Gypsy Rose ? Always dug that Tony Orlando and Dawn tune ! Just like to know what tune Misti Lee is shakin' it to on the JK's sound system. One things certain , she DEFINATLY rocks ! :shades:

I was told girls name their vehicles boys names and guys name theirs girls name... not sure if this helps or hurts, but my wife named my 2012 ford f-150 with rear step in the bed with a fold up pole to assist...misty.
So find a cool boy name?