Ultimate JEEPZ.COM Trail Ride

How about if we coordinate it so we have one on the west coast and one on the east coast. I know people from New England dont want to drive to Colorado and people from Colorado don't want to drive to New England.

But it would be nice to have one on the same day, different places.

Yeah, there should be a trail ride, but u guys should do it in colorado or moab, so i can come from Oregon... Ha ha, i know thats not going to happen, but thought I would try...
keep in in colorado. But i live here and would be willing to help out any way i can, i could just use some direction. + im 16 so i dont really know how much help i could be.
How about if we coordinate it so we have one on the west coast and one on the east coast. I know people from New England dont want to drive to Colorado and people from Colorado don't want to drive to New England.

But it would be nice to have one on the same day, different places.

Great Idea! We could then make a sort of memorial site, with pics etc. from both locations!!! Would be sweet. Again, I'd drive up from EP to get up there.

But it would be nice to meet all of you east coast paragon peeps!

Yeah, if someone wants to get together and coordinate a west coast run, i am totally up for it. Will drive whatever distance needs to be driven. Let me know.
If you guys want a west coast run.Let me know.Will set it up and get the ball rollin'.Colorado is still not out of my head though.I would love to have a big run in colorado.And meet some of you south coast,east coast,and middle people out there.
We need to make sure this thread never ends.

AND we need to actually coordinate this.
Last I remember Sound Man was spear-heading the Colorado run. Are you still down Soundman?

Last I heard yes.I will e-mail him and see what he says.
mingez said:
Last I remember Sound Man was spear-heading the Colorado run. Are you still down Soundman?

Yes I am still on for this but I am going to need some people to help out. My life has changed a lot in the last couple of months and I can't dedicate as much time as I know this will require to pull it off and pull it off well. I am very familiar with the trails in central and southern Co and have a nice 5 day round trip planned out. I have contacted a few of the property owners where private property must be crossed but there are more that need to be contacted and the forest service will need to be involved if we show with 50+ Jeeps, along with hotels gas stations and parts stores.

More to follow on this.

Remember to tell your family members and loved ones that you love them whenever you can. There may be a day when you can't.

Ok guys,Sound_man is back!Who is up for the run?Anyone out there ready to give Sound_Man hand with this thing?

Looking for an offroad club in NC

we should also try and pull somthing togather for us east costers
GreenReaper93 said:
What needs to be done Sound_Man?

Right now I am waiting for responses from 6 land owners. I am pretty sure that all will be okay. In the spring/summer they always let Jeepers go through but I want it in writing before I head out with a bunch of vehicles.

Hotels and gas stations need to be contacted. Personally I don't want to get off the trails but others have said that they would want to stay in hotels.

The "case group" or vehicles need to be arranged to meet the "trail group" with parts/fuel/food/water. I normally carry my own but if you are comming from out of state it might get difficult to bring everything you need.

LGR said:
we should also try and pull somthing together for us east costers

I have looked into a bunch of different transportation options for out of state people. There are trains that you can put your rig on, trucking companies that specialise in moving specialty vehicles, rental of flatbeds to haul with a rental car..... It was a long list that Josh and I had been working on.

Someone sent me a bunch of legal stuff once before about waivers and the like. Please send me that information again. I need to get that rolling.

Spring is on the way, but most of the trails I want to take you all on don't open until late April or early May and that depends on the amount of snowfall we get in the mountains.
whats the cost for transportation of the rigs? more then gas money? might be alot of loot. prolly should have like two or three differnt spots for the trail ride...so us who can't travel too far can make one of them.

Colorado is too long of a haul for me. What vacation time I get is taken with my family, but I could burn a few days up like a long weekend to do an east coast ride. Seems to me that Paragon would probably be the best choice as it is the most versitile trail that is near mid coastline unless anybody else would have any suggestions.

I like the idea of doing a run the same time as the Colorado run and the website. I just wish everybody could get together all at once, but such is life.
i agree...a long weekend is good but taking time off work is somthing i just can't do. Paragon and the pine barrens are the only place i can think of on the easy coast. we'll set somthing up....us east coasters should work on somthing

Sound_Man, I have the waiver from the TN outting last year. Give me your e-mail so I can get that to you.